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The opportunity to Reach Higher sometimes is simply about making the complex simple and memorable. Bringing in a customer perspective and beauty changes the world in small yet profound ways. Because we aid people in making choices of consequence, while setting the new iconic standard:


Immersive, Full-Screen Video
UI For A Lung Health Portal

Scroll through these two video interfaces for WINDCATCHERS "The Asthma Project" and "The COPD Project". They Reach Higher by channeling what success feels like to people living with two very different health complications.

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"The Cytokine and The Cube"

AR Scientific Puzzles for Congresses

Scroll through these two augmented reality experiences. They Reach Higher by helping scientists learn about new, complex biological concepts using puzzle-like constructs; using AR beyond novelty, to advance scientific understanding.

"Believe In The Potential"

An Augmented Reality Timeline For
A Fertility Drugs Portfolio

To demonstrate a line of fertility treatments we invited doctors to experience a virtual pregnancy. Using a t-shirt as an anchor they learn about the therapies in context, every step of the way. Provoking deep-seated cultural conditioning to Reach Higher, while using technology to create powerful learning experiences beyond just a brand moment. 


"Serial Pain Killers"

Digital Outdoor Patient Videos Talk About Killing Their 'Serious Occasional Pain'

Part of a larger digital strategy for Reckitt to launch a medication for serious episodic pain, this digital outdoor video and traveling pop-up experience offers patients an alternative to opioids, helping RB to Reach Higher.

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